Slice of History - 1918 World Series - 3
These articles take us back to a moment in sports history
as reported in a newspaper the next day.
The Rockford (IL) Morning Star article 9/8/1918 on the Third Game of the World Series at Comiskey Park in Chicago (held there instead of Wrigley Field because of the larger seating capacity). The same issue had several other articles about world and national affairs.
Mays' Submarine Delivery Hangs Kibosh on Cubs
Germans Pay Heavily for Effort to Hold Position South of River - Officers Are Becoming Scarce Declares Hun Prisoner Taken by Yanks
CHICAGO, Sept. 7 - Boston concentrated its energies in the fourth inning of today's game of the world's series and squeezed in two runs, which were just enough to annex, 2 to 1, the third of the contests from the Chicago Nationals. The one run margin was in constant danger, however, and it was not until Pick, Chicago second baseman, was caught at the plate for the third out in the last half of the ninth inning that victory perched finally on the dugout of Boston..
Cubs' Lone Tally Fluke
Chicago's lone tally came in the fifth inning and was largely by a fluke, but Mitchell's men never quit trying and in their half of the ninth might have tied the score and run the game into extra innings had not Pick, in a frantic effort to cross the plate, thrown the chance away by reckless base running.
Vaughn Pitched Well
"Hippo" Vaughn, elected to come back in an attempt to retrieve the honorable defeat administered to him in the first game of the series. He pitched splended ball, save for the fatal fourth. Hooper, the first man to face the big Chicago left hander, gave an intimation of what the final result would be by pulling a twisting single back of third but nothing came of it in that inning.
Mays Served Queer Stuff
Mays, with his so-called submarine delivery, was the main ob­stacle in the way of a Cub victory. Mays throws an old fash­ioned underhand ball with a windup which doubles him in such fashion that the uninitiated might think him hunting for fishworms. He served a variety of swerves for the Chicago batters. Slow ones that floated up to the plate like puff balls in a fog, varied with a fast one with a dart and jump like a patent bass bait and the Cub sluggers bit freely at all he offered.
Vital Doings of Fourth
In the fatal or festive fourth, according to which team the stand prefers, Whiteman, veteran of many a hard contest, who now has figured in the run getting for Boston in every game of this series, got himself in front of one of Vaughn's hooks and traveled free to first. He tarried a moment on sec­ond when McInnis singled and scored when Schang poled one of Vaughn's offerings safely. McInnis advancing to third. Scott dumped a bounder in front of the plate and Vaughn fumbled it long enough so that McInnis flashed across the plate with the winning run and Scott was safe at first, credited with a hit. Thomas singled to right and it looked like more trouble for the Cubs, but Flack made one of his characteristic bullet throws and Schang, trying to score from second, was out at the plate. Mays ended the jubilee by a fly to center.
Pick Scores in Fifth
Pick was the player to profit by the fluke in the Chicago half of the fifth, his gentle tap went toward Scott with frolicsome bounds like a pup seeking its master, but at the crucial mo­ment it decided to bite Scott on the legs and went rolling out into the outfield for a double. Deal flied out, but Killifer de­livered an honest hit to left and Pick scored.

Carl Mays
WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ON THE AISNE FRONT. Sept. 7 - The attempt of the Germans to retain their foothold on the south side of the Aisne canal in a wood to the west of Villers-En-Prayeres was nullified by a small but brilliant operation early this morning. The dense little woods have been packed with machine guns under cover of the German guns.
Many German Dead
The only break in the American line along the canal was at that place. The task of cleaning it out began at four in the morning and was completed before 10 o'clock. There was no opportunity to take prisoners, but the toll of German dead was great as compared to the magnitude of the engagement.
Heavy Resistance
Along the lines to the junction with the French, heavy resis­tance continues and indications are increasing that the Ger­mans do not propose to be hurried in their retreat in this dis­trict northwest of Rheims. The artillery on both sides was in violent action, but with the exception of patrolling there was no effort at infantry work.
Paid a Debt
The general line held by the Americans has not changed. From one place the American brought in 56 prisoners, mem­bers of one of the guards divisions. Among them were two officers, one of whom is Lieut. Gaspard Alversleben, whose father is reputed to be one of the emperor's advisors. It was this lieutenant who commanded the detachment that recently compelled a small American force to evacuate Fismette. It was the organization to which the force belongs that captured him.
From the Boston Herald 9/8/1918
Martial Life and Color, Music and Exciting Athletic Con­tests Enjoyed

War Service day, given by the War Camp Community Service at the Harvard Stadium yesterday afternoon, with a crowd of 35,000 present, including men in all branches of the service of Uncle Sam, was the greatest success in point of color and enthusiasm of any event held in the Stadium since the mem­orable day in 1915 when "Eddie" Mahan's football team snowed Yale under with a score of 40 to nothing.
It was a spectacle, unique and impressive both from the standpoint of patriotism and sportsmanship, attended by the Governors of three states ...
Thousands in U.S. Uniforms
It brought out 10,000 men in the uniform of the army and the navy ... a throng of men and women whose ardor and en­thusiasm for things military and athletic could not be damp­ened by occasional sprinkles of rain.
(With the Spanish flu infecting the area, the gathering of 35,000 was a perfect vehicle to grow the epidemic.)

George Whiteman



Slice of History Baseball - 1

Slice of History Baseball - 2

Slice of History Football - 1

Slice of History LSU Football - 1